#dearbaby you of course, like your mama, were fashionably late. On the 5th day past your due date I had a scheduled stress test and sonogram to check up on you. You were just chilling. However, due to some "minor variables" the doctor recommended I be induced the following day. I prayed, others prayed, and I hoped labor would progress on its on. However by the following day you seemed no less motivated to make you grand appearance. So your daddy and I headed into the hospital for my noon induction appointment. I was scared but so grateful to have such an amazing friend in your daddy to go through it all with. At 1:30 Angie, my midwife checked to see how my labor was progressing and asked if I would like her to break my water -something we can discuss in twenty-some years- I did. So she did. By 2:30 I was in real labor. It was intense I could hear voices in the room but they were muffled, similar to sound of Charlie Brown's parents' voices (someday you'll know what I mean) and all I remember thinking was soon none of this pain will matter. At 6:55 Angie came back in to check on us. It seemed you were now ready to meet everyone. So it began. Then at 7:10pm on January 6, 2011 I heard you take you first breath and it took mine. #dearcampbell, Hi. I'm your mama.
Friday, January 14, 2011
The Beginning
#dearbaby you of course, like your mama, were fashionably late. On the 5th day past your due date I had a scheduled stress test and sonogram to check up on you. You were just chilling. However, due to some "minor variables" the doctor recommended I be induced the following day. I prayed, others prayed, and I hoped labor would progress on its on. However by the following day you seemed no less motivated to make you grand appearance. So your daddy and I headed into the hospital for my noon induction appointment. I was scared but so grateful to have such an amazing friend in your daddy to go through it all with. At 1:30 Angie, my midwife checked to see how my labor was progressing and asked if I would like her to break my water -something we can discuss in twenty-some years- I did. So she did. By 2:30 I was in real labor. It was intense I could hear voices in the room but they were muffled, similar to sound of Charlie Brown's parents' voices (someday you'll know what I mean) and all I remember thinking was soon none of this pain will matter. At 6:55 Angie came back in to check on us. It seemed you were now ready to meet everyone. So it began. Then at 7:10pm on January 6, 2011 I heard you take you first breath and it took mine. #dearcampbell, Hi. I'm your mama.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
January 6, 2011
Dear Baby, No matter how this day goes down, when it's all over I'll be holding you. #dearbaby.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
January 4, 2011
Dear Baby, Soon we'll say farewell to this home to make a new home. Promise to bring you back here & show you where our family began. #dearbaby.
January 4, 2011
Dear Baby, Your daddy and I just might have agreed on your name. That has to be arrival worthy. #dearbaby.
January 4, 2011
Dear Baby, You have already changed our lives in more ways than you can ever know. #dearbaby.
January 4, 2011
Dear Baby, Keep a reconciled heart. If you cause hurt be humble, seek forgiveness. If you're offended be vulnerable, seek peace. #dearbaby.
Monday, January 3, 2011
January 3, 2011
Dear Baby, As much as I love you, I find solace in the fact that there is one who loves you far more and far selflessly than I. #dearbaby.
January 3, 2011
Dear Baby, One puzzle piece may not seem that valuable, until it is missing. Without you we just aren't quite complete. #dearbaby.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
January 2, 2011
Dear Baby, I've been preoccupied with my interests over yours. Everybody that's suppose to be at your birth will be, no matter the day. #dearbaby
January 2, 2011
Dear Baby, If I can't lift you in my arms, I will lift you in prayer to His. If I want to know you, I will ask the one who made you. #dearbaby.
January 2, 2011
Dear Baby, Now when I think of you I hear the Jeopardy theme song playing in my head. Do-do-do-do-do-do-do...#dearbaby.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
January 1, 2011
Dear Baby, I have never been on time in my life. Why then, should I expect any different from you? Practice what you preach mama. #dearbaby.
January 1, 2011
Dear Baby, There are moments when I become consumed by the sense of the mommy love I have stored in my heart for you. #dearbaby.
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